About us Contact Links F.A.Q.

Who we are
Rhythm Online is a small record shop on the net, run by Nick and Jude Clarke from our small terraced house in Cambridge. We specialise – very broadly speaking – in all things alternative or ‘independent’, and pride ourselves on the size and comprehensive yet eclectic nature of our listings. We can offer all the newest indie releases and also a huge selection of rare and collectible items. We’re also dead good at tracking stuff down for our customers, so if there’s something that you are after that we haven’t got listed then drop us a line and we’ll do our best to get it for you!
How we started
Rhythm’s first incarnation was as a market stall in Plymouth, which Nick started in 1985 having quickly tired of a management job at HMV (who had ‘headhunted’ him when he was happily working for the now-defunct Andy’s Records). The market stall soon developed into a mail order catalogue – starting with laboriously hand-typed lists in the pre-computer age, and then slowly evolving in size and sophistication until we finally took the plunge and went online in the early noughties. 2007 saw a dramatic revamp of our previously pretty low-tech website into the current format, which we are trying very VERY hard not to call Rhythm 2.0.
What we stand for
Despite the changing formats over the years, our “ethos” has remained pretty much the same – we are first and foremost music fans, and are in this for the love of music. We are passionate about offering our customers – some of the coolest and most dedicated musos in the world – a real, friendly, helpful, personal service. We care about this stuff, and we also care about making sure our listings are as up-to-date, accurate and relevant as possible to people like you. Some lovely people, in recent years, have said things like this about us:
Thanks very much for getting back to me. I really appreciate it that you have taken the time to do this, it’s a pity some so-called bigger e-retailers don’t take a leaf out of your book for a lesson in customer service!!
Thanks for having such a cool webpage and shop. We need more alternative shops in the world.
Your lists are impressive. You have lots of hard to find stuff I heard on the John Peel show! Wicked site.
I got the records – in record time and great condition. Thanks a million.
Placing orders with Rhythm makes me feel all 1988-ish.
As customer service goes, this is remarkable.
There is so much good stuff in the catalogue I wish I had more money.
How to contact us
Postal Address:
41 Ashbury Close, Cambridge, CB1 3RW, UK
If you want to discuss:
An order you’ve made and are waiting for /// a particular record (or records) that you want us to find for you ///
how you can get your band’s music on our lists /// pricing /// or anything else that doesn’t fit into another category
…then contact [email protected]
Gig reviews /// record reviews /// swapping links /// our mailing list /// advertising or promotions /// press ///
…then contact [email protected]
Love Music Hate Racism: a campaign Rhythm wholeheartedly endorses
This site was designed by: //blindeye//
Do you want to exchange links? Have you spotted an annoying dead link?
Thanks so much, your website is wonderful!!!
The catalogue is very impressive.
Cheers… a great shopping day for me – I didn’t even have to go out in the rain! Exactly what I wanted to do – touch up some stuff I hadn’t heard in a while. Thank you.
I’ll visit your website every day because I saw a lot of GREAT records, you have the best record store I’ve seen in my f*cking life.
The customer service has been excellent.
I am well impressed with the service from Rhythm.
Thank you for distributing our releases. You have a nice stock. The right mix between guitar music and electronics.
Your shipment was super fast, awesome service!
Thanks for your help - you seem like a very nice bunch of people.
You have great beautiful stuff!